
Sean never saw himself in college or working a corporate desk job. One day he took a course on house wiring and the rest, as they say, was history.
Sean loves what he does. Being in the electrical field since 1986 has allowed him to hone his skills as a tradesman and eventually, a business owner. Coming from his humble beginnings as a helper, Sean is now the proud owner and operations manager of Zar Electric.
What Sean enjoys about his field is being able to be in different places, and facing new challenges every day. The rush of working with his own two hands and solving new problems is what motivates him. With that said, whether it be new construction, renovation, or service work, Sean has no specific kind of job he prefers.
“I have done a lot of different types of electrical work over the years, and I enjoy all of it but for different reasons” he says. For him, all three jobs allow him to look back at his work with satisfaction knowing he made a difference, whether it involves creating something from nothing, improving on an existing design, or helping someone feel happier, safer, and more comfortable in their home.
Sean strives to make sure Zar Electric is a place of family, trust, and teamwork. His greatest motivation to get up every morning and do his job is the people he deals with on a daily basis.
"I am living the dream here. I get to help people in our community with things they can not or should not do themselves, I get to provide jobs for some of the best electricians and support staff in the area, and I get to work side by side with that great team to serve. Man am I blessed!"
When Sean isn’t busy serving his community, some of his favorite things to do is spend time with his family, support his two daughters in their volleyball games, and vacation in the mountains.
If you are in need of electrical help in regards to new construction, renovations, or service repairs or installation, don’t hesitate to call Sean and his team at Zar Electric!